

Meeting Type Date Location Agenda/Materials Minutes Webcast
Ad Hoc Committee on Disaster Preparedness and Response Meeting February 8, 2024

Pima Medical Institute – San Marcos
111 Campus Way, Room 125
San Marcos, CA 92078

Meeting Materials:
Agenda Item 5
Board Meeting February 8–9, 2024

Pima Medical Institute – San Marcos
111 Campus Way, Room 223
San Marcos, CA 92078

Meeting Materials:
Agenda Item 5
Agenda Item 6
Agenda Item 9
Agenda Item 10
Agenda Item 12
Agenda Item 14
Agenda Item 16
Agenda Item 19
Agenda Item 25
Agenda Item 26
Agenda Item 27
Agenda Item 28 a–d
Agenda Item 28 e–h
Minutes February 8th Webcast
February 9th Webcast
Practice Committee Meeting March 1, 2024 Teleconference WebEx Agenda
Meeting Materials:
Agenda Items 4–5
Agenda Item 7
Agenda Items 8–10
Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Committee Meeting March 13, 2024 Teleconference WebEx Agenda
Meeting Materials:
Agenda Items 4–6
Ad Hoc Committee on Disaster Preparedness and Response Meeting April 10, 2024 Teleconference WebEx Agenda
Meeting Materials:
Agenda Items 4 and 5
Ad Hoc Committee on Supervision Standards Meeting April 12, 2024 Teleconference WebEx Agenda
Meeting Materials:
Agenda Item 5
Agenda Item 6
Agenda Item 8
Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Committee Meeting April 24, 2024 Teleconference WebEx Agenda
Meeting Materials:
Agenda Item 5
Agenda Item 6–8
Ad Hoc Committee on Disaster Preparedness and Response Meeting April 29, 2024 Teleconference WebEx Agenda
Meeting Materials:
Agenda Items 4–5
Board Meeting May 2–3, 2024

Department of Consumer Affairs
First Floor Hearing Room
1625 North Market Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95834

Meeting Materials:
Agenda Item 5
Agenda Items 6 and 9
Agenda Item 10
Agenda Items 11, 17–18
Agenda Items 19–23
  Webcast May 2
Webcast May 3– Part 1 of 2
Webcast May 3– Part 2 of 2
Practice Committee Meeting June 21, 2024 Teleconference WebEx Agenda
Agenda Items 4–6
Ad Hoc Committee on Supervision Standards Meeting June 26, 2024 Teleconference WebEx Agenda
Agenda Item 4
Agenda Item 5
Practice Committee Meeting August 2, 2024 Teleconference WebEx Agenda
Ad Hoc Committee on Non-Licensee Criteria to Serve on Committees Meeting August 5, 2024 Teleconference WebEx Agenda
Board Meeting August 22–23, 2024 TBD Bay Area
Board Meeting November 14–15, 2024 TBD Riverside

Committee and Board Meeting dates and locations are subject to change. Information regarding specific meeting sites will be sent to interested parties and made available on the Board's web site as soon as they are available.

Past Meetings